Tuesday 20 December 2016

Preparing for the new year + SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT

This vlog contains some tips on preparing on the new year, part of the December Reflection Series
Hope you enjoy it!

If you do not have twitter you can enter by Commenting on my instagram your favourite post - KUROJAY_x

Goodie box containing :
- self development books, 
- positive inspiration 
- vouchers 
- gender specific gifts (depending on the winner) 
- Some sweet treats 

Hope you guys enjoy it and enter the giveaway !
Lots of love K xx 

Monday 5 December 2016


I thought it would be suitable to have a Reflective series throughout this month. Personally I have been participating in a lot of deep reflection the past couple of days as it has been dawning on me how quick the year is drawing to a close. In this blog post I really want to emphasise the importance of focus as we get closer towards the new year. 

Producing clear visual definition or “tunnel vision" as Justin Timberlake refers to is exactly how I feel we should lead our lives going into 2017. Despite how the year may have gone for you individually, I really want to encourage us, not dwell on your current or past situations but place your efforts in re-alligning yourself to regain focus so the tunnel vision of your life becomes clear once again. 
In order to regain focus I personally think that these are some valuable steps to take:

Having a minimalistic approach to life is extremely important. Most minimalists live with as little clutter in their lives as possible and this translates through to their lifestyles making room for what you deem most important in your life. It creates value in your life , and this may look differently for everyone, but it will lead to a path of a more meaningful life.  

After Decluttering the next stage is to clean. We see this in many stages such as when dieting you stop eating unhealthy foods and perhaps may start undertaking a detox to cleanse your system. Another example is in cleaning; after removing the obstacles you swept away you now mop the floors, and its vital to cleanse yourself in order to really regain clear vision for your life. The question I want to ask you guys is how would you cleanse yourself? What are the things that you enjoy doing ? What ways do you invest in yourself that brings you the most joy ? Its vital that we focus on the aspects of life that makes us happy, that we can derive for ourselves without relying on others to do so. This brings up back to the most important person which is YOU


At this stage you have identified what is really important and what brings us value, now we implement those plans and steps to achieve those things. You should be executing tasks that bring you the most satisfaction and joy. Regaining your focus reminds you of what is important and I think it is vital for us all to dwell on this before the new year so we can start the year with a clearer head and concentrate on creating a life that we love. 

Lots of love 

K x 

Monday 14 November 2016



So a few months ago I was feeling really uninspired and at one of my lowest points in life.  We all go through these periods in our lives where we may feel these emotions very heavily, which then may impact the way we communicate or just live our lives. I know for myself I was finding it very hard to even yield myself fully to God and spent more time with myself which amplified all of these negative emotions I was encountering. 

During this period when I was feeling very low, I remember not having a passion to do anything I enjoyed,  not caring to write content, feeling a lot of pressure with other areas within my life and this resulted in me having a serious meltdown that nobody was aware of. I spent time with people but still was left feeling like I was alone. (Does anyone else know what I mean?) I felt like it was completely eating me up on the inside and I couldn't identify why, or what the root cause was which was extremely overwhelming for me because its completely the opposite of my character. 

The first day which I experienced a breakthrough was when my friend invited me to her church, (even though truthfully, I genuinely was not feeling it), but God truly encountered with me and genuinely changed how I felt internally in seconds. I usually love going to Church and enjoy singing, so this day actually allowed me to actively pursue what I usually enjoy doing, which helped me to get back to old the me. Going to church really did help me get out of the funk I was in and I would recommend also that if you feel this way to spend time in the presence of God and allow his fellowship to minister to you. 

I also noticed that actively engaging myself with things helped me a lot also. I forced myself to leave my house and do things I personally enjoyed doing. Such simple things like having a pampering session to make me feel better about myself. I found also I started a new hobby of bullet journalling which I found very therapeutic (being creative while creating an organised space) and as silly as it sounds, I was so happy that I unlocked calligraphy talent that I was unaware of.

Tips I would recommend:
  • Try and talk to someone or write your feelings down - This is is something that I didn't do because I usually don't like being a burden to others but as hard as it is, it probably would have helped me a lot sooner to make sense of my thoughts. 
  • Write out your goals, visions and dreams. - I started to write down my goals for different areas of my life which helped me to become more inspired about life. 
  • Take the opposite approach - when you feel low you tend to want to stay at home a lot , but try and do the opposite and experiment by being spontaneous, by trying out new things or take a walk !
  • Focus on how you are feeling currently - when you are feeling low and uninspired but you always feel like you should be passionate and upbeat about life, can make you feel even worse. So it is okay to recognise that you do feel the way you are feeling. 
  • I just want to encourage anyone who may be feeling like this, that it is normal to feel like this sometimes, but you CAN get back on track and feel positive about whatever you may be doing again.

“Remember, God knows about every tear which comes to our eyes. Christ cares and is concerned about us. Your heartaches are known to Him.”  Lee Roberson

“And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” – Phil 4:19

Friday 7 October 2016

Unapologetically Selfish

From the title of this post  some of you may find this very alarming or strange to talk about being selfish, as there are so many negative connotations attached to word. For example, the dictionary definition shown below, literarily throws it in our faces and reminds us of what an awful attribute it is to have. 

  1. (of a person, action, or motive) lacking consideration for other people; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure

However, I would like to come from the angle of placing yourself first and explain why being selfish with yourself is the TOTAL OPPOSITE of the dictionary definition of selfish. Even though it might sound very self explanatory, it surprises me when I hear that so many young people are afraid to make the necessary selfish steps in order to pursue their own personal growth. 

I believe a lot of us give our absolute all to our friends, families and loved ones - and there's nothing wrong with this - but when you place their needs above your own personal priorities, this is where it can go all wrong and frankly become extremely draining. We should all learn to cultivate more love for ourselves so we are able to be selfish with our time, energy and anything that will contribute to pursuing our own happiness and self care.

Here are 3 main reasons why I will be entering the academic year being selfish with some of my own personal time:

1) It will train your own perspective powers

Being selfish allows you to build up your inner gut-feeling or intuition in order to make decisions which are best suited to YOU and you only. It means that you are able to engage in things that ultimately keep you satisfied.

2) Being selfish allows you to improve how you see yourself
You are able to improve your self worth; as you start to look out for yourself, you begin to appreciate and value what you believe you deserve for yourself.  

3) You will be Healthier 

Healthy mind , healthy life! Being selfish allows you to focus on yourself and not take on some of the unnecessary burdens that you may be taking on, which limits and distracts you from achieving your desired goals. 

I hope after reading this you have allowed yourself to view being selfish from a different perspective. As being selfish for yourself allows you to know yourself better and achieve your goals.  Being selfish is not about acquiring all that you can gain, but adding value to your own life. 

I definitely believe that once you become selfish with yourself and become content and secure in who you are and what you want, it will radiate true happiness that is infectious, allowing it to be spread and drawn to by others around you.

Lots of Love, 
K x 

Saturday 3 September 2016

With Love from China

Its very ironic that the title of this post says with Love from China and I happen to be writing from the walls of my bedroom in London. However, despite my inconsistency I thought it was important to share what I learnt from my one month trip away in Shanghai.

I found that travelling can teach you a lot more than what our textbooks might every will. Throwing yourself into a new environment, with people who speak a completely different language to you , delving into unknown experiences challenges our comfortability in ways you can only imagine. Many of us are so used to our safety nets in friendships, our environment or even the food we eat and are satisfied with the comfort that this gives us that we never want to try something NEW.  During my time away the most valuable lesson I found and what made my trip FANTABULOUS was because I learnt the importance of pushing beyond my boundaries and benefitted greatly from this.

Personally I was always that person who was okay sticking to "what I knew', however recently I have found a new confidence in being uncomfortable and realising that this sparked something new in me that has contributed to my personal growth tremendously. Being slightly uncomfortable can help us to achieve the goals we thought that we never could, it allows us to cross paths with people we could never met and learn so much from our surroundings and others.  There is nothing wrong with being comfortable with what you know but I challenge you after reading this to begin to get comfortable with your discomfort and trust that it will determine and contribute to your success.

Reasons for leaving the comfort zone 

-  Challenging yourself with activities you may not participate on a day to day basis allows you to tap into the personal potential that you have locked up and you were unaware you stored the resources and knowledge.

- Leaving your comfort zone allows you to become more creative. ' Creativity is innately risky' 

- Our comfort zones tend to shrink as we get older but if we keep expanding them we open ourselves up to greater fulfilment and improved well being as we age.

"Be Strong and Courageous, Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord our God is with you' - Joshua 1:9 

Inserted is a short video of content I created using clips I found from my trip. I was way too shy to record myself talking out there and bringing even more attention to myself but anyways

Enjoy :)

Tuesday 10 May 2016


"saving the mind or to be safe”

As Exam Season creeps closer for some of us, I just wanted to write something very short and sweet to encourage you at whatever stage you may be at with your revision process.

The most important factor that will help us during this time is DISCIPLINE. Discipline might actually be one of the most misunderstood entities of all time, as its actually our friend not our enemy. It may not crack a smile on our faces during this period however we will reap the benefits in due time, even though it may be hard to see now. 
Our human brain makes 4/5 of decisions on emotion and a 1/5th on intellect, therefore the majority of our decisions are made by emotion. therefore some of these decisions may need the support of discipline to carry them out and fully enforce them in our lives. 

God has given us all a sound minds that allow us to have self control, discipline and to be well balanced. (2 Timothy 1:7) 
Therefore we must all choose to use our sound minds. Our thoughts, minds, words and emotions are very important and are areas that we all need to discipline especially during this season. 

How to become disciplined ?
  • Exercise - I’ve found that excersising provides more structure to your day and is also very good for improving your mood, anxiety levels and mental performance. I have also found that I am more happy. 
  • Being accountable - Sometimes having a partner to do things with will help you stop making excuses for yourself 
  • Eliminate unnecessary distractions - preserve your brain power for what is truly important, turn off the tv, put your phone on airplane mode
  • Create goals - remind yourself of why you may be revising or what you may want to achieve to be your motivator. 


 a disciplined person must maintain the correct mental attitude towards issues that arise. 

Keep positive and confess Positive affirmations !

Keep hydrated with water & also In the word and pray continuously to uplift your spirits. 

Lots of Love 

Thursday 7 April 2016

The art of letting go - part 2

This is the part 2 to my forgiveness Vlog and I hope this section really helps.

In human nature it is very easy to attach yourself to people and habits. We have all experienced pain and sometimes it may linger for a while which makes letting go difficult even though we know that it may be harming us.This causes major problems for us as we keep harbouring pain in our heart, it causes us to constantly relive and torment ourselves with the pain that others may have caused us. This leads to us building characteristics that may not be a true reflection of who we are as we show bitterness, anger, hate and negativity due to this. We need to be able to forgive in order to move on and to live happier lives.  Forgiveness may not change the situation, it may not change how you feel about them but it changes how you allow the situation to affect you. It can allow the bitterness to that person disappear which is vital to help you move on, for our own personal well being and even your health. 

The first step we can take in this process is acknowledgment.

To recognise that a particular area of your life is not bringing you joy is key. This may be quite difficult as it means you may need to revise your past and open up your heart to situations you may have pushed down. 

For example whether its your relationship that has stopped bringing you joy, or the friends you keep are impacting you negatively, or you are causing damage to yourself. You need to maybe take a second to reevaluate these things that you are not happy with and taking the steps of wanting to let go for yourself. Often we are scared of letting go as we do not want to feel the absence of that person or thing and sometimes we get so accustomed to that routine, as we believe it is a necessity in our lives

After acknowledging that you want to let go of a certain situation you need to focus on the present and stop looking into the past. Find the joy in your life now and allow forgiveness to come into your heart. I found that prayer worked best for me, when I prayed out a prayer of forgiveness you feel a release within yourself which contributes to how you used to feel and allows you to have peace about these things. 

However, today I hope for anyone reading this you believe me that you will be able to let go peacefully by the grace of God and today start to take the necessary steps to beginning your process. We also may need to actively approach or speak openly to the person or people we need to forgive. This allows you to reflect on your issues and now gives you the power to move on as you can now close that chapter in your life.

Lots of love
K x

email : sassykay101@gmail.com

Forgivness - part1

Hey guys,

So this is just a video to get you thinking about forgiveness and why I think it is important to do so!
hopefully you are encouraged and reflect on this area of your life and contribute to your personal growth.

Lets continue growing
K xo 

Friday 11 March 2016


Happy Belated International Women's Day :)

The word cutaneous is an adjective which describes anything relating towards or affecting skin. In honour of International Women’s day i wanted to touch on this issue. As i know that it is a subject in which us ladies can suffer from severely ( and also some guys too!) First of all I just wanted to start off with saying there is no set way or principles in becoming skin confident. I feel like a lot of people say that theres a set way of getting over it and I feel like it kind of undermines how much of an issue it can be for people. A lot of the time we apologise for “not looking our best’ when we may be in our natural state , this is something I still struggle with daily. We all have parts of ourselves which we may not like and that is normal, however at the same time it makes us who who we are, it makes us different and it makes us beautiful.

I can use myself as an example of somebody who used to struggle with the concept of fully emerging in embracing my skin. I used to have a lot of hyper pigmentation growing up. This is where parts of your skin become darker than the normal surrounding colour, mine was around my forehead and is still on my eyelids. This was something that made me feel really self conscious and felt like I had to explain myself to others so it wouldn’t pointed out. How I overcame this was that I literarily stopped caring because I realised the big things that I notice about myself, are the things nobody else even sees. So i stopped caring and accepted myself, how I felt about it. This encouraged me to actually feel more comfortable in my own skin more and even feel confident when I am not wearing makeup.

Some days you may be spotty, with dark under eyes but the way you look does not define you! Marks, acne, or eczema on your skin are temporary and can always be worked.

How you are perceived becomes less important when you focus on how YOU may want others to perceive you as. 

I hope everyone reading this realises how beautiful they actually are and will start today on the journey to appreciate their skin. 

Love always 
K x 

email : sassykay101@gmail.com

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Attracting Positivity

Hi guys, 

So for my first post I wanted to start with the topic of positivity since this is what the foundation of this blog space is based on and thats how I want people to feel after visiting the website. Also after touching on it briefly on twitter about how I am able to keep positive, the feedback encouraged me to go into it a bit more detail. SO in life we make many choices and God has given us free will for us to do so, however today i want you to make POSITIVITY a conscious choice in your life today. The key to attracting positivity is starting with gratitude. I have found that there is a secret key to being thankful which activates appreciation leading to a certain peace sat within our hearts. The emotions that have been activated during the process of gratitude are ones such as love, peace, joy, and containment. Finding something to be grateful in all situations leads to a change in thought processes, leading towards positivity. 

Dips in the roller coaster ?
We can all testify that this may be more difficult when going through tough personal issues, and being human it is only natural to feel emotional. However what many of are not aware of is that we all have the power to take control of our emotions and be able to accept what you are going through and choosing to be positive. Learning to find contentment even when its not where you want to be but to appreciate where you are is a major key when you may be facing challenges in life. We all have so many things to be grateful for even when things may not be going well such as the gift of life, catching the bus on time or whatever. Choosing to focus on these things will increase the positive vibes in your life and gradually allow you to focus less on the negative aspects which would increase your happiness levels. 

" A joyful heart is good medicine but a crushed spirit dries up the bones"  - Proverbs 17:22

Today choose not to isolate yourself, choosing to get our of a bad mood, choosing to hang around with people who make you happy 

I really hope this helped
Lots of love K xo
email : sassykay101@gmail.com


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