Thursday 19 July 2018

Breaking from your mould

Have you ever felt yourself becoming comfortable in your normal? You have become so immersed in your daily and weekly routines that your life has become as simple as work - home - gym - sleep - repeat. Even though daily routines can be beneficial and has proved to  provide stability, relaxation  and studies show that it can also  improve  your mental health. Do you ever feel like you are living like you've just been going through the motions. I feel like many of us have become like zombies , we go from day to day and week to week just going through the motions slowly loosing our zeal and passion to do anything else outside of our current mould. Today I would like to challenge and provoke you into thinking why you may not have stepped out of your mould recently, if you have ever felt like the description above.

Here are a couple of definitions of the word mould:

1. A mould can be defined as a distinctive and typical style, form, or character.
2. Form (an object) out of malleable material

Our brains have a mechanism where it forms and creates patterns and once these are established they run automatically which is why we find it hard to resist the mould and to break out of patterns. I found the second definition interesting as it includes a word called malleable. The use of malleable material has the power to be hammered or pressed into shape specifically without breaking or damaging or cracking. In many ways I believe that this is very similar to us. We are made from the same malleable, resistant, unbreakable material. Yet we limit ourselves to be confined to the circumference of our containers, our moulds that we squeeze ourselves into.

I can definitely relate to this, as there was a period when I also felt stuck. I was becoming extremely exhausted and it felt like my days were running ahead of me and before I knew it the alarm had started ringing and it was a  new dawn again. I was just going with the motions and it I felt like I couldn't see past my immediate responsibilities and loosing sight of goals I wanted to achieve and skills I had planned to cultivate. 

Today is a very short reminder for anyone who may feel like they have slipped comfortably into their everyday cycle and because of this. You may have lost the umph to continue to do the things that may have originally brought you joy or stopped chasing ideas that you wanted to achieve. The time to break away is NOW. Ease yourself back by putting time aside on something that may be meaningful to you, it could be something as simple as reading a book. Do not let your dreams die as you get sucked into the busy cycle of life. You are in fact malleable and even though you may feel hammered, pressed and squeezed you have the strength to shape and reshape yourself continuously.

Philippines 4:8 - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me 
Proverbs 19:21 - The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance. 

Monday 28 May 2018

No Mans Land

heyyyyyyy y'allll its your girl and I'm back again this month with another post. I'm trying to aim to post content at least once a month, so pray for consistency for your girl (lol).

The term "No man land" can be defined as the indeterminate or undefined place or state. The word indeterminate can also be used interchangeably with the word unknown, unfixed or unspecified.

We all can feel like we are stuck in a bit of no mans land, just like in the legendary game "stuck in the mud" which you probably played in primary school. Where you would eagerly wait for someone to rescue you from being stuck in the imaginary mud and sometimes life feels a little bit like that also.  It feels like you are stuck, unsure whether you will ever become unstuck, waiting on a perhaps a solution, individual or opportunity to set you free.

I know I'm feeling a little bit like this as I've been thinking a lot about my career and as you guys know I am in full time employment. As I think about life more and more everyday, I've been struggling in my mind to engineer what my next steps would be from a career perspective. At this current moment in time and in the first time in my life I'm not sure what my "next step" looks like  as I've always had a clear picture of what my path may look like. However recently this picture has become more blurred as my interests have started to change and just generally not feeling sure in what I want anymore. This has felt slightly unsettling for me personally and I'm not sure if its because having gone through the education system for years and becoming used to  very systematic approach in terms on having very clear the expectations when moving up every year at school. So having to engineer your future without a blueprint or a next step in mind can feel very difficult and thats where I feel like I am right now in my grad scheme.

I know a lot of you may feel like me right now, or may be going though a situation that is familiar and I would say one thing I have learnt is to take it easy on myself. I've come from a place where I put a lot of pressure on myself not because anyone has told me they expect something from me, but its because of the expectations I've placed on myself. So growing with this mentality I've had to learn to make peace with myself that it is okay to be in the position you are in, you don't have to have life figured all out. Sometimes I forget that I'm only 21 (22 next month x) I've moved to a new city, I've started a new job and there is so much to figure out as I  grow and learn.

 If you are reading this and anything I've said has resonated with you I want you to also remind yourself consistently of your achievements and how far you have come and celebrate your victories. Don't allow what is a small cloud to turn into a fog and mist away your achievements and everything that is going well.
 I read an article that said

"No mans land is the fertile ground where great transformation happens", 

Your situation is not the end, it will become fruitful and blossom beautifully. Let go of fear and the fear of the unknown instead live and just let God move in your life. Stand in the truth that the Lord will establish your steps (Proverbs 19:21)

Remember it won't last forever x

Monday 23 April 2018

Harvest - #Motivational Monday

  We are nearly FIVE month's in to 2018, where did the time fly to? It's approaching to spring/ summer and the flowers have started to blossom, the sun has even made an appearance after being in hibernation for so long and so have I lol ! 

I know that most of us have been putting in work for our respective "grinds" and have been using the winter seasons to stay low and build. This has successfully led us to see some practical results, we have started to gain a few small victories. The seeds that we were sewing in private consistently has led to a harvest and we are reaping the benefits of that previous period. For some of us this has been in the form of new business ideas, a promotion in your job or getting a first in your coursework. 

On the other hand, there is another side to the story where a handful of us who just like the first group of people have been grafting, working extremely hard and have seen NOTHING. There is no evidence of fruit, no blessing no benefit that you have received for any of your efforts. Instead you feel burned out, you are tired and drained, and on the verge of giving up because you are doubting your ability that God has placed in you due to the physical and mental stumbling blocks you may have received. 

Recently I have purchased a potted plant and was super excited about it at first. I was dedicated to see it grow and flourish so I watered it every single day and sometimes even twice a day. I even moved it around to different areas of my room where I thought it would have the best chance of receiving the optimum sunlight.  For weeks i practiced this routine and there was absolutely no growth, but I continued. I consistently carried on the routine I just kept doing the same thing despite still not seeing any growth until a few days ago I saw a dozen new leaves sprouting out with new life !!!!!
Some of you need to get back to what you were doing previously doing it diligently with your whole heart and with a positive attitude. It would have been very easy for me to let the plant die by neglecting it and the same could happen to you depending on how you decide to nurture your own plants in your life. Sewing seeds of procrastination an laziness will kill your plant and ultimately kill your dreams. 

"Let us not get tired of doing what is good. At the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing IF we don't give up" Galatians 6:9 

What ever seeds you plant you always sew, if you plant an apple seed you will get an apple tree. A farmer will ALWAYS produce crops according to how much he has planted. The principle of seed time and harvest is a universal principle that applies EVERYWHERE and it works. So stay encouraged in the truth that you will recieve a harvest according to what type of seeds you are sewing. It is extremely easy to get frustrated when you can't see the benefits but this is why I would encourage you to continue to persevere, and cultivate an attitude which stands strong in the principle and promise that God has given you. 

Declare to yourself that even in the midst of your troubles when things may not be going your way, you will endure to see your fruit blossom because in the end we all reap what we sow. 

Lots of Love 
K x 

Sunday 11 February 2018

Gods plan

You are not forgotten. 

Four months ago I was told that I received an opportunity which would mean that I would need ot move to Edinburgh. For those of you who may not understand what that would mean for me, it was moving approximately 467.6 mi  miles away from home. I had previously moved away from home for university, however this was different. This time I was alone, with not one single soul to depend on to lean on physically and this time I wasn't surrounded by many in the same situation. No this wasn't university, it was just me. Surrounded by strangers in an almost foreign country, with this brand new culture, and amongst my feelings of excitement there were also mixed feelings of anxiety, uneasiness and doubt. 
I was in the midst of starting my career, and had been so lucky to have actually started a job only days after my graduation and all I could think of was 'How could God do this to me?'. How could he take me to this place that I've never even intended on ever visiting, and drop me here without any of my family or friends who I depend so much on, who I find comfort in ?  

I know some of you may actually be surprised to hear this because of what I do here, and how 'positive' I try to be, but I wouldn't be doing anyone justice by not being transparent. However I put on a happy face I got on with it but was extremely upset on the inside at my situation. 
Pride filled my heart and I was confused at how God could make this path my own. I started to do the one thing that used to irritate me which was complaining. This feeling of fear crept into my life, which gave room to anxiety, which overshadowed my joy. I really struggled initially with this move, but what I became to understand is that it wasn't because I was alone but it was because I forgot that I wasn't. 

I spent so much time thinking trying to understand why God would work against MY own plans. He knew I was a planner, He knew about my master saving plan and that paying rent was definitely not apart of it post - uni, however he decided to flip the script and rewrite those pages. You see what I've come to understand and what I did not grasp at the time is that Gods Plan is not the same as our own. 
Proverbs 16:9 says We can make our own plans but the Lord determines our steps

Then what God started to reveal to me after I accepted this is that often we walk in our own ways and fail to recognise when God is doing something in your life. We are often so grateful for our blessings and praise God for the mighty plan in our life , but will we be grateful when our lives start to veer the course we expected it to take and will we recognise that everything is a blessing even if it doesn't look like one ?

I just want to encourage just one person today that He has never left you nor will He forsake you, your life may seem like its been taking a change in course but God is steering that Ship. If you only trust him.

Thank you for reading this, 
Kuro x 


Kuro Joseph. Theme by BD.