Wednesday 30 August 2017

The Transition - life update

So I've been away for a little while getting used to this world called "Adulthood" and I'll tell you what.. not all that glitters is gold. My experience of "adulting" and becoming a  young adult has been a major roller coaster of emotions and has also felt like I've been on a high speed train going at 100 mph.

A couple of months ago I finished my degree at university. This was one of the best feelings as I was finally able to accomplish everything I've dreamt off in my education life and see it manifest. However, even though the past three years contributed heavily to my life and gave me the opportunity to meet the most incredible people. I was very eager to close that chapter as I drew closer to the end of my final year. I was extremely excited to move on to my new life,  the new glamorous young professional lifestyle which I had imagined it to be.

However even though I was filled with so much excitement and joy about the next phase of my life, I didn't anticipate that I would find the transitioning process extremely difficult. I definitely underestimated that I was undergoing a major life change as I went straight into work only a few days  after graduating. This transition process has been challenging and I think being in a new routine also contributed to it. The sound of my alarm greeted me every morning in the early hours, then going to face the hustle and bustle of the London underground , being in an intense environment for about 9 hours a day then going back home wondering where all your time has gone because its time to start getting ready for bed and begin the cycle again. Its safe to say when you have a few of those days repeatedly and being a fresh graduate it can get slightly overwhelming. Anyone else who understands what I am talking about can agree with me that moving into a new routine and moving back into your old home with your parents which is supposed to feel familiar but can feel more alien in some ways.

It's only been two months since I started work and around the third week I felt I was loosing a lot of zeal and found that I was living life but letting it pass me by. I'm not sure if anyone can relate to when you are extremely busy, you forget about actually enjoying life and I was starting to place my happiness on the second shelf. We can often feel frustrated with the process of change in our lives and our body goes into resistance mode in order to protect us from going through it. I recognised the importance of slowing down and validating my feelings in order to become more present and susceptible to my change .

Here are a few things that I changed in order to feel more present.

Being more aware
Being aware of your self and of what was going on is  really helpful. Understanding how you feel and what emotions you are going through are really important to help you deal with the situation.

Don't be so hard on yourself.
Take things one step at a time with yourself. I know I am very self critical of myself and beat myself up because of the pressure I put on myself to succeed and do things well. But during this time of change it's so important to allow yourself to be apart of the process , you are learning and growing everyday and it's okay to make mistakes.

Talking to people in similar situations.
I found it really useful to speak to people who
were going through similar life changes as well as me. Only after speaking to someone who was in a simmilar situation as myself did I realise it was totally normal to feel different when undergoing new life transitions.

I hope that anyone experiencing any new life changes in any form, perhaps at work or moving to university is encouraged by this post in some way. Remember to be grateful for the change in your life because it will be a lesson which is always a blessing.

"The secret to change is to focus all your energy on not fighting the old but building the new"


Kuro Joseph. Theme by BD.