Thursday 29 June 2017

Detox Time

Hello friends,

I  deeply apologise for the disappearing acts that I have been pulling on you guys, but I also want to say thank you everyone for being forever patient with me. The month of June has been very hectic as you guys know from my previous post that I was completing my final exams for university, following from that I moved back home with my family, went on holiday and then turned 21. So I experienced a whirlwind of events one after the other. When I go through these busy times I feel like its very important to be able to detox.

Detoxing is eradicating yourself from any impurities and toxins within your body. As well as toxins formed in your body there may be toxicity within our life situations. For example, toxic relationships or thought patterns that may be disrupting your self - esteem or drive to make good choices. My decision to detox usually results from feeling overworked and when my body becomes physically tired.

Here are a few PHYSICAL ways to detox your body

  1. Decluttering your space - Currently I am in phase 1 of completing this as I have things absolutely everywhere due to my move back home. I've found that having a cluttered environment affects the way I function and physically removing and getting rid of junk frees up not only my physical space but allows my mind to breathe and function better. 
  2. Digestive cleanse - Eating the right things is so good for your body, making sure you have a balanced diet.  Eating greens is a great way to remove cancer causing toxins from your body. Vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and brussel sprouts help to clear out excess estrogens. 
  3. Herbal teas - I think we all know the implications of herbal teas and the impact they have on detoxing and cleansing the body
  4. Disconnecting from social media - Its important to control what flows in and out of your mind and into your zone. Breaks from social media are encouraged to break away from a lot of craziness that these social media bubbles create. 

Here are some mindful prompts to help detox your mind ( grab a piece of paper)

- Who/ What brings you joy?
- Who/What drags you down?
Well done you have identified what is toxic in your life and the positive aspects 

-List what you find uplifting and how much time you are providing for it
-Now list what sucks your energy and how much time you are providing for it.
Evaluate where your energy is flowing to and reshape and revaluate where you would like it to go

Detoxing allows us to make space for other things that fulfil you,  it is very important to make time for your mind and your body. Remember to make space in order to recreate. You are your own best friend so take charge of your life and personal well being,

Lots of love
K x

(p.s Thank you everyone for nearly 10k views on the blog)


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