Thursday 7 April 2016

The art of letting go - part 2

This is the part 2 to my forgiveness Vlog and I hope this section really helps.

In human nature it is very easy to attach yourself to people and habits. We have all experienced pain and sometimes it may linger for a while which makes letting go difficult even though we know that it may be harming us.This causes major problems for us as we keep harbouring pain in our heart, it causes us to constantly relive and torment ourselves with the pain that others may have caused us. This leads to us building characteristics that may not be a true reflection of who we are as we show bitterness, anger, hate and negativity due to this. We need to be able to forgive in order to move on and to live happier lives.  Forgiveness may not change the situation, it may not change how you feel about them but it changes how you allow the situation to affect you. It can allow the bitterness to that person disappear which is vital to help you move on, for our own personal well being and even your health. 

The first step we can take in this process is acknowledgment.

To recognise that a particular area of your life is not bringing you joy is key. This may be quite difficult as it means you may need to revise your past and open up your heart to situations you may have pushed down. 

For example whether its your relationship that has stopped bringing you joy, or the friends you keep are impacting you negatively, or you are causing damage to yourself. You need to maybe take a second to reevaluate these things that you are not happy with and taking the steps of wanting to let go for yourself. Often we are scared of letting go as we do not want to feel the absence of that person or thing and sometimes we get so accustomed to that routine, as we believe it is a necessity in our lives

After acknowledging that you want to let go of a certain situation you need to focus on the present and stop looking into the past. Find the joy in your life now and allow forgiveness to come into your heart. I found that prayer worked best for me, when I prayed out a prayer of forgiveness you feel a release within yourself which contributes to how you used to feel and allows you to have peace about these things. 

However, today I hope for anyone reading this you believe me that you will be able to let go peacefully by the grace of God and today start to take the necessary steps to beginning your process. We also may need to actively approach or speak openly to the person or people we need to forgive. This allows you to reflect on your issues and now gives you the power to move on as you can now close that chapter in your life.

Lots of love
K x

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Forgivness - part1

Hey guys,

So this is just a video to get you thinking about forgiveness and why I think it is important to do so!
hopefully you are encouraged and reflect on this area of your life and contribute to your personal growth.

Lets continue growing
K xo


Kuro Joseph. Theme by BD.