Saturday 3 September 2016

With Love from China

Its very ironic that the title of this post says with Love from China and I happen to be writing from the walls of my bedroom in London. However, despite my inconsistency I thought it was important to share what I learnt from my one month trip away in Shanghai.

I found that travelling can teach you a lot more than what our textbooks might every will. Throwing yourself into a new environment, with people who speak a completely different language to you , delving into unknown experiences challenges our comfortability in ways you can only imagine. Many of us are so used to our safety nets in friendships, our environment or even the food we eat and are satisfied with the comfort that this gives us that we never want to try something NEW.  During my time away the most valuable lesson I found and what made my trip FANTABULOUS was because I learnt the importance of pushing beyond my boundaries and benefitted greatly from this.

Personally I was always that person who was okay sticking to "what I knew', however recently I have found a new confidence in being uncomfortable and realising that this sparked something new in me that has contributed to my personal growth tremendously. Being slightly uncomfortable can help us to achieve the goals we thought that we never could, it allows us to cross paths with people we could never met and learn so much from our surroundings and others.  There is nothing wrong with being comfortable with what you know but I challenge you after reading this to begin to get comfortable with your discomfort and trust that it will determine and contribute to your success.

Reasons for leaving the comfort zone 

-  Challenging yourself with activities you may not participate on a day to day basis allows you to tap into the personal potential that you have locked up and you were unaware you stored the resources and knowledge.

- Leaving your comfort zone allows you to become more creative. ' Creativity is innately risky' 

- Our comfort zones tend to shrink as we get older but if we keep expanding them we open ourselves up to greater fulfilment and improved well being as we age.

"Be Strong and Courageous, Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord our God is with you' - Joshua 1:9 

Inserted is a short video of content I created using clips I found from my trip. I was way too shy to record myself talking out there and bringing even more attention to myself but anyways

Enjoy :)


Kuro Joseph. Theme by BD.