Monday 30 January 2017

Success behind your faults


I found myself in so much awe when I stumbled across this video of the young man who played the piano with no hands. I was so moved and honestly found myself getting emotional and it wasn't because he was able to play the piano, but because of how beautiful it sounded due to the passion he had that was infused throughout his movement.

This inspired me so much and as I pondered after watching the video, I realised that what most of us would call a limitation, he used as a strength and pushed past all social norms and what society may have told him in order to conquer his dreams and live them out. Some of our weaknesses are obvious to others and some are hidden. They can be major obstructions that affect our lives, minor inconveniences that can be avoided in day to day life. However they do not need to remain the same forever, which led me to ask myself;

Is there any weakness that is too hard to overcome?

Sometimes I find myself pushing my weaknesses or things that I would class as "faults" further down inside of me, because I feel like there are no solutions. Another reason is due to fear to try and change, fear of failure, FAILURE ( pretty scary, right?) wrong ! 

Failure can be scary but if we let it rule our lives we end up going nowhere. Just like when we try to switch on the engine in our cars and find the biting point we end up stalling before we even start our journey. We must facilitate a mindset where we accept our weakness and remember that hidden in your weaknesses are your strengths. So stop running away from what you think your limitations may be and embrace who you are. Sometimes a perception change will allow us to think differently about our limitations and help us push through or sometimes we can use them in growth and focus on improving and learning more in that area.

Whatever your weakness may be I hope this Monday you are encouraged to think differently about it, and inspired to continue being the best version of yourself. 

Lots of Love 
K x 
( I hope you have enjoyed this months series of motivation Mondays and they will now be Monthly along with other posts) 

Monday 23 January 2017

Brick wall fallacy

As individuals and creative beings the term "I've hit a brick wall" or 'writers block" is often used in passing. This refers to when our creative juices and magnificent ideas are not flowing as well as we are used to them pouring out.  Recently, I have been reading the "Power of now" by Echart Tolle, and he really emphasises on how being present in the moment,  exercising our unconscious mind allows us to take control of our thoughts. Using this same philosophy I believe it can be revolutionary in eliminating the brick wall that we have created within our unconscious mindset.

Writers block or anything preventing you to be creative is a fallacy (in my opinion). It is a condition that exists in our head. We think we are blocked and as a result ---> become blocked. 
We may not always want to write, we may be tired, feeling uninspired, or perhaps not confident in our own ability to create and thats okay. On the contrary, there are days where this brick wall fallacy is placed in our minds and if we grab it with both hands, then we really won't write or be creative, which creates a cycle, a never ending cycle of passing the blame on to "writers block" again. This is what makes it so dangerous and infective as the longer you put off your creativity the harder it is to start again.

This condition has almost developed into a bug which infects our whole system and is almost toxic towards our productivity. In order to remove this we need to eradicate the toxicity from our mind and acknowledge the real cause of why you may be experiencing this. To be aware of the resistance and tackling it will help towards freeing ourselves from it.

Some examples of the root cause:

  1. Fear 
  2. Tiredness 
  3. High standards
  4. Not knowing how to start 
  5. Fear of not being accepted or not being good enough 
Ways to overcome this :
  1. Morning pages - writing down everything that comes to your mind as soon as you wake up, unblocking your mind and allowing you creative juices to flow.
  2. Brainstorming 
  3. Take a break - sometimes I find I may have overworked my brain with my schedule and taking a break from something and returning back to it always helps.
  4. Eliminate distractions 
  5. Go for a walk
  6. Don't try and be perfect
Eckhart Tolle suggests that we practise the area of stillness, whenever a creative solution is needed focus on your inner energy field. Become completely aware of the stillness around you solely focusing on it and when you resume thinking it will be fresh and creative.     

Remember the power lies within our minds and we have control of our parts of it including our creativity.                  

Kuro x                                                

Monday 16 January 2017

MotivationMonday 002 - "Comparison is the thief to your individuality"

Happy Monday to you all,

Comparison can be defined as the "estimate of the similarities or dissimilarities between two things or people". Theodore Roosevelt defines it as "The thief of joy", this phrase has been shared regularly within our society and is usually the go to quote when we share our opinions on comparison. However, comparison to me is defined as a dreadful tiny little guy who sits on my shoulders, constantly nagging and pointing out things that I could do better, based on the standards of others. Dragging me into a constant battle with my mind and throwing doubts in to my heart about my own dreams and visions or my personal ability to do something. 

At times we find this little guy comparison, creeping in when we may aspire to be like others perhaps as harmless motivation, however, this can be easily turned into us comparing what we are doing with the person next to us, where we may almost morph into this new person losing touch of our own unique individuality in the strive to become so much like someone else. Sometimes we lose focus on whats unique to us; your gifts and talents are specifically designed for YOU and are completely unique to your purpose in this life and this cannot be properly compared with anyone.

Comparison shifts your energy in the wrong place, focusing on the wrong person when ideally the only life you have 100% control over is yours. When we focus on other people we have less energy to place in our own lives instead it deprives us from joy, it deprives us from our true self. It adds to value but only creates discontentment and becomes a mere distraction. 

Previously I have found myself comparing various parts of myself to others. Finding myself disappointed that I was not at a similar stage or had not excelled as fast in comparison with my peers. So whatever angle your comparison may have come from, remember that we all lead different lives and God has blessed us with our own unique capacity that has been given to us in line with our ability and what is ultimately best for us, which is completely different and special to you.

The subject of comparison has been pounding on my mind for the past few days now and I wanted to shed some light in this area so that we can be better equipped when the dark gloomy cloud of comparison attempts to steal our joy or attempts to alter our character. Galatians 6:4-5 Teaches us to Examine our hearts and our actions and in doing so you can be proud of your own accomplishments embracing how far you have come and practising to have an attitude of gratitude

Allow yourself to be inspired without dimming your own light silencing the voice of comparison. Love your life and perfect your life.

Lots of love, 
Kuro x

Monday 9 January 2017

#MotivationMonday 001

This Monday I want to push everyone again to believe that YOU can get to where you need to be. YOU can become the person you have always imagined yourself to be and YOU are capable of creating your own dream life. 

Flowers require sunlight, water and nutrients from the soil to grow, these are the basic ingredients that are vital for the life of a flower. However the flowers that grow the best and have a more sustained life are those flowers that are placed in the correct environment and the skill-set of the gardener. What does your personal environment look like? Who are the people you have placed around you, who are the personalities you are gaining from? Be mindful of what you choose to watch and what you allow to affect your mood,  for example some reality tv shows or horror films can have an impact on your mind. However I challenge you to think about how you going to start gaining new insights and perspectives from personalities that will help your environment and push your growth. Turn on a TED talk or listen to a podcast while getting ready will prove to renew your mind (environment). 

Sharpen your skills on a daily basis, become the best at your craft. The more you invest in yourself, the better you become. The more skilful the gardener the more beautiful the flower and the longer it will last. Practice your talents and become great at them, learn a new skill to refine yourself, become the best version you can be by feeding yourself with the correct ingredients.

Sunday 1 January 2017


Happy New years guys,

This post is in collaboration with Shalom Nartey, "Miss Nartey" on Youtube! Where we talk about 10 top tips for 2017 ! 

  1. Renew your mind
  2. Goals 
  3. Patience 
  4. Be Open
  5. Healthy
  6. Selfish
  7. Be pro active 
  8. Forgiving 
  9. Intentional
  10. Be yourself

Wishing you all the best this year and that you have fruitful year !


Kuro Joseph. Theme by BD.