Friday 7 October 2016

Unapologetically Selfish

From the title of this post  some of you may find this very alarming or strange to talk about being selfish, as there are so many negative connotations attached to word. For example, the dictionary definition shown below, literarily throws it in our faces and reminds us of what an awful attribute it is to have. 

  1. (of a person, action, or motive) lacking consideration for other people; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure

However, I would like to come from the angle of placing yourself first and explain why being selfish with yourself is the TOTAL OPPOSITE of the dictionary definition of selfish. Even though it might sound very self explanatory, it surprises me when I hear that so many young people are afraid to make the necessary selfish steps in order to pursue their own personal growth. 

I believe a lot of us give our absolute all to our friends, families and loved ones - and there's nothing wrong with this - but when you place their needs above your own personal priorities, this is where it can go all wrong and frankly become extremely draining. We should all learn to cultivate more love for ourselves so we are able to be selfish with our time, energy and anything that will contribute to pursuing our own happiness and self care.

Here are 3 main reasons why I will be entering the academic year being selfish with some of my own personal time:

1) It will train your own perspective powers

Being selfish allows you to build up your inner gut-feeling or intuition in order to make decisions which are best suited to YOU and you only. It means that you are able to engage in things that ultimately keep you satisfied.

2) Being selfish allows you to improve how you see yourself
You are able to improve your self worth; as you start to look out for yourself, you begin to appreciate and value what you believe you deserve for yourself.  

3) You will be Healthier 

Healthy mind , healthy life! Being selfish allows you to focus on yourself and not take on some of the unnecessary burdens that you may be taking on, which limits and distracts you from achieving your desired goals. 

I hope after reading this you have allowed yourself to view being selfish from a different perspective. As being selfish for yourself allows you to know yourself better and achieve your goals.  Being selfish is not about acquiring all that you can gain, but adding value to your own life. 

I definitely believe that once you become selfish with yourself and become content and secure in who you are and what you want, it will radiate true happiness that is infectious, allowing it to be spread and drawn to by others around you.

Lots of Love, 
K x 


Kuro Joseph. Theme by BD.