Tuesday 10 May 2016


"saving the mind or to be safe”

As Exam Season creeps closer for some of us, I just wanted to write something very short and sweet to encourage you at whatever stage you may be at with your revision process.

The most important factor that will help us during this time is DISCIPLINE. Discipline might actually be one of the most misunderstood entities of all time, as its actually our friend not our enemy. It may not crack a smile on our faces during this period however we will reap the benefits in due time, even though it may be hard to see now. 
Our human brain makes 4/5 of decisions on emotion and a 1/5th on intellect, therefore the majority of our decisions are made by emotion. therefore some of these decisions may need the support of discipline to carry them out and fully enforce them in our lives. 

God has given us all a sound minds that allow us to have self control, discipline and to be well balanced. (2 Timothy 1:7) 
Therefore we must all choose to use our sound minds. Our thoughts, minds, words and emotions are very important and are areas that we all need to discipline especially during this season. 

How to become disciplined ?
  • Exercise - I’ve found that excersising provides more structure to your day and is also very good for improving your mood, anxiety levels and mental performance. I have also found that I am more happy. 
  • Being accountable - Sometimes having a partner to do things with will help you stop making excuses for yourself 
  • Eliminate unnecessary distractions - preserve your brain power for what is truly important, turn off the tv, put your phone on airplane mode
  • Create goals - remind yourself of why you may be revising or what you may want to achieve to be your motivator. 


 a disciplined person must maintain the correct mental attitude towards issues that arise. 

Keep positive and confess Positive affirmations !

Keep hydrated with water & also In the word and pray continuously to uplift your spirits. 

Lots of Love 


Kuro Joseph. Theme by BD.