Tuesday 23 February 2016

Attracting Positivity

Hi guys, 

So for my first post I wanted to start with the topic of positivity since this is what the foundation of this blog space is based on and thats how I want people to feel after visiting the website. Also after touching on it briefly on twitter about how I am able to keep positive, the feedback encouraged me to go into it a bit more detail. SO in life we make many choices and God has given us free will for us to do so, however today i want you to make POSITIVITY a conscious choice in your life today. The key to attracting positivity is starting with gratitude. I have found that there is a secret key to being thankful which activates appreciation leading to a certain peace sat within our hearts. The emotions that have been activated during the process of gratitude are ones such as love, peace, joy, and containment. Finding something to be grateful in all situations leads to a change in thought processes, leading towards positivity. 

Dips in the roller coaster ?
We can all testify that this may be more difficult when going through tough personal issues, and being human it is only natural to feel emotional. However what many of are not aware of is that we all have the power to take control of our emotions and be able to accept what you are going through and choosing to be positive. Learning to find contentment even when its not where you want to be but to appreciate where you are is a major key when you may be facing challenges in life. We all have so many things to be grateful for even when things may not be going well such as the gift of life, catching the bus on time or whatever. Choosing to focus on these things will increase the positive vibes in your life and gradually allow you to focus less on the negative aspects which would increase your happiness levels. 

" A joyful heart is good medicine but a crushed spirit dries up the bones"  - Proverbs 17:22

Today choose not to isolate yourself, choosing to get our of a bad mood, choosing to hang around with people who make you happy 

I really hope this helped
Lots of love K xo
email : sassykay101@gmail.com


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