Friday 31 March 2017

I have no talents

I honestly used to have the same conversation in my head a few years ago and I remember expressing to my mum
" I don't feel like I'm good at anything, I can't draw, I don't play an instrument exceptionally well, I just do not have any tangible talents" 

My mum mentioned some things to me that never left me that day, particularly the fact that you shouldn't identify your talents by the people around you or use it as a measure of how talented you actually are. Recently, I found myself having this conversation again with a friend which made me realise that I was not alone all those years ago and people often feel like they are also not good at anything. 

Like me, you may feel as if your talent is intangible and you don't know if its something you can make use of. For example, before starting this blog I knew I had a passion to help others and I knew that people valued my opinion and advice when asked for, so I decided to create a platform where I could share my own journey of growth and ways I felt I could potentially contribute to at least one person's life. Another friend of mine is talented when it comes to looking after her natural hair and has recently started her own website to showcase her passion and talent for hair with the world. Everyone has that talent because its what you enjoy doing the most and you do it well.

On the other hand, we have skills that could be natural talents but also things we can acquire such as playing piano. Sometimes we have things we may be good at, maybe not the best at, but have an interest in. If you want to be talented in that aspect, you need to push yourself and focus on dedicating yourself to that craft, master it & pursue it relentlessly. A lot of the time we see people who we admire that are "talented", forgetting the hard work and determination that is disguised behind that. If you want a great life you need to do something you are great at. Make it your mission to accomplish it because everyday you waste is one less day to pursue what you love, and one day further from making your dreams happen. 

I think the first step is to recognise nothing is too small to be talented in; Think about that ONE thing you do really well, perhaps even better than others. That ONE thing that gives you a warm self-sense of accomplishment whilst you are doing it. That ONE thing that makes you happy after you have finished doing it. Hold on to it; Nurture it until it grows.

I don't know what your hidden talents are but they are lurking deep down within you, after all God created you with them. Find/Discover it and Stir it up. I know it's POWERFUL and it's time for you to either believe that, or believe what other people around you think.

lots of love, 
K  x

Friday 3 March 2017


First of all I just wanted to say you are already half way out of getting out of your "rut", because you have already recognised that you are feeling this way and want to make a change.

'I feel quite overwhelmed and I have no idea'

Secondly, if you agree with the above statement.. its okay , it does NOT make you weird, it does NOT mean you are being dramatic , it just means you are still human and it happens to the best of us, including me. Maybe you could be feeling overwhelmed because of something we call LIFE, that gets in the way sometimes and throws some unexpected things your way, or you could be like me who has had 10000 and billion things to do at a time. In fact the majority of February I was feeling so overwhelmed and very unbalanced, and felt like I was losing control of staying on top of things.

Personally I think the best way to overcome this before it spirals out of control and gets worse, is to take a step back. Take a break from some of the craziness around you, recognise that you come first and you cannot drain yourself and divide your energy everywhere if there is a cost. For me that meant taking a break away from blogging, re organising myself better making sure i was trying to be easy on myself and creating more me time.

Jonathan Fields has a simple framework called " Good life buckets", which I think is very useful in times like this to reflect on which areas of your life may be leaking or, not overflowing as it should be. The three buckets of life could be seen as contributionconnection and vitalityidentify which buckets may be low and work on ways to contribute to that bucket. 

I've just created this video to help explain the buckets further and how you can implement them.

For me when I took a step back I improved on taking care of myself more by improving the state of my mind and body by and improving my connections, spending more time being in tune with my friends and contacting and spending time with them more and trying to spend more time with God.

I hope you can use this evaluating tool to help push you out of feeling overwhelmed.

Kuro x


Kuro Joseph. Theme by BD.