Wednesday 11 October 2017


As the autumn air creeps upon us and  we start preparing for the festivities that are soon approaching us. There is always a voice in my head that likes to associate this season with the end of the year and previously that thought used to make me sad. It used to reinstate the fact that summer had well and truly ended, my period of carefree living was over. I was forced to focus on the events that had occurred during the year, whether I had reached my goals and was often a season that gave me a reality check which frankly, I was never after.   

However as the years have gone by, I now see Autumn as a time to reflect, a time of change and a season of letting go.  It instead encourages me to check-in on myself, evaluate and analyse my emotions in order to move forward with myself and finish strong. With less than 100 days left of the year, we need to reflect on ourselves and refuse  to let the feeling of being comfortable in ways we may have slipped become a habit.  

What I believe Autumn represents:

A time of reflection on your year so far, a time for you to be grateful of your achievements. To be grateful for where you currently are and to appreciate how far you've come from the beginning of the year to now. Achieving gratitude allows you to shift your focus , and whatever we focus on we move towards. 

Autumn is a season where we see evidence of real change in the environment. The leaves are falling and the climate is adjusting. It is a physical manifestation of things changing and also represents a chance of letting go. As the leaves change colour and eventually strip themselves bare, the trees remind of us of how beautiful it is to let go. Allow this autumn to give you a chance to release the dead things in your life that are no longer fruitful. 

"Some people believe that holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However there are times when to know when it takes much more strength to let go and know when to do it." 

To me Autumn is also a time of harvest, its a time of grinding now when it matters. A time of planting seeds in order to be fruitful at the end of the year or to make the start of your year great. It can also be a time to invest in something new for yourself, let it motivate you to experiment with new activities or ideas in your life.

The shorter days and darker nights can create a dull atmosphere but I challenge everyone reading to continue to be intentional with themselves especially when it gets harder this season.

"Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall."  - F. Scott Fitzgerald

Kuro x

Tuesday 3 October 2017

Who Defines Beauty - GUEST POST by Tobi Sobowale

Who Defines Beauty?

To put it very simply, you do. Not anyone else. After all, they do say, beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. And as cliche as it may sound, it is definitely correct. Who is anyone to tell you that you are not beautiful, who are they? They are definitely not God. So why do we care so much about the opinion of others?

The other day my friend complimented a girl saying “she does not need makeup”. He then went on to make a statement that "well ... no girl needs make up”. I didn't say anything but in my head I thought, he only made the second statement because he realised how off the first statement sounded. I understand that he was just complimenting the girl, suggesting she is a natural beauty. However, why couldn't he just have just said that? It really does annoy me that people have this idea that some girls need to wear makeup. A lot of us girls will say, ‘I don't care what people think,' ‘who cares about their opinion,' ‘I know I’m beautiful’. But let’s be honest, many of us may feel like we have to wear makeup to feel beautiful and conceal ourselves due to not recognising our own natural beauty.

Ive had acne for the past 10 years and now at the age of 21, my skin has started to clear up. However over the past 5 years, I used makeup to conceal this and it became a mask for me. I didn't feel comfortable without it and wouldn't leave my house without it. I’m at a stage now where this is no longer the case, thank God. But at the time when my friend made his comment, my confidence without the use of make up was something I was struggling with. So maybe you understand why I was annoyed by the comment this guy had made. My dream for us all is that we will get to a stage where, if anyone tells you that you don't need make up, tell them ‘thanks but no girl needs make up. We cant let other people dictate their opinions or give their words power over us. It is imperative that we uplift ourselves.

You are beautiful. I am beautiful. And we need to truly start believing this. Whether we have acne, hyper pigmentation, whatever it may be. As women we need to support each other and we have to truly uplift each other so others will truly understand that their opinions do not matter. The only opinion that truly matters is Gods. 

I am wonderfully and fearfully madePsalm 139:14.

Tobi Sobowale
Founder of the YAB Campaign

For more information about the YAB - You Are Beautiful - Campaign

Instagram: yab_campaign
Youtube: YAB Campaign

Wednesday 30 August 2017

The Transition - life update

So I've been away for a little while getting used to this world called "Adulthood" and I'll tell you what.. not all that glitters is gold. My experience of "adulting" and becoming a  young adult has been a major roller coaster of emotions and has also felt like I've been on a high speed train going at 100 mph.

A couple of months ago I finished my degree at university. This was one of the best feelings as I was finally able to accomplish everything I've dreamt off in my education life and see it manifest. However, even though the past three years contributed heavily to my life and gave me the opportunity to meet the most incredible people. I was very eager to close that chapter as I drew closer to the end of my final year. I was extremely excited to move on to my new life,  the new glamorous young professional lifestyle which I had imagined it to be.

However even though I was filled with so much excitement and joy about the next phase of my life, I didn't anticipate that I would find the transitioning process extremely difficult. I definitely underestimated that I was undergoing a major life change as I went straight into work only a few days  after graduating. This transition process has been challenging and I think being in a new routine also contributed to it. The sound of my alarm greeted me every morning in the early hours, then going to face the hustle and bustle of the London underground , being in an intense environment for about 9 hours a day then going back home wondering where all your time has gone because its time to start getting ready for bed and begin the cycle again. Its safe to say when you have a few of those days repeatedly and being a fresh graduate it can get slightly overwhelming. Anyone else who understands what I am talking about can agree with me that moving into a new routine and moving back into your old home with your parents which is supposed to feel familiar but can feel more alien in some ways.

It's only been two months since I started work and around the third week I felt I was loosing a lot of zeal and found that I was living life but letting it pass me by. I'm not sure if anyone can relate to when you are extremely busy, you forget about actually enjoying life and I was starting to place my happiness on the second shelf. We can often feel frustrated with the process of change in our lives and our body goes into resistance mode in order to protect us from going through it. I recognised the importance of slowing down and validating my feelings in order to become more present and susceptible to my change .

Here are a few things that I changed in order to feel more present.

Being more aware
Being aware of your self and of what was going on is  really helpful. Understanding how you feel and what emotions you are going through are really important to help you deal with the situation.

Don't be so hard on yourself.
Take things one step at a time with yourself. I know I am very self critical of myself and beat myself up because of the pressure I put on myself to succeed and do things well. But during this time of change it's so important to allow yourself to be apart of the process , you are learning and growing everyday and it's okay to make mistakes.

Talking to people in similar situations.
I found it really useful to speak to people who
were going through similar life changes as well as me. Only after speaking to someone who was in a simmilar situation as myself did I realise it was totally normal to feel different when undergoing new life transitions.

I hope that anyone experiencing any new life changes in any form, perhaps at work or moving to university is encouraged by this post in some way. Remember to be grateful for the change in your life because it will be a lesson which is always a blessing.

"The secret to change is to focus all your energy on not fighting the old but building the new"

Thursday 29 June 2017

Detox Time

Hello friends,

I  deeply apologise for the disappearing acts that I have been pulling on you guys, but I also want to say thank you everyone for being forever patient with me. The month of June has been very hectic as you guys know from my previous post that I was completing my final exams for university, following from that I moved back home with my family, went on holiday and then turned 21. So I experienced a whirlwind of events one after the other. When I go through these busy times I feel like its very important to be able to detox.

Detoxing is eradicating yourself from any impurities and toxins within your body. As well as toxins formed in your body there may be toxicity within our life situations. For example, toxic relationships or thought patterns that may be disrupting your self - esteem or drive to make good choices. My decision to detox usually results from feeling overworked and when my body becomes physically tired.

Here are a few PHYSICAL ways to detox your body

  1. Decluttering your space - Currently I am in phase 1 of completing this as I have things absolutely everywhere due to my move back home. I've found that having a cluttered environment affects the way I function and physically removing and getting rid of junk frees up not only my physical space but allows my mind to breathe and function better. 
  2. Digestive cleanse - Eating the right things is so good for your body, making sure you have a balanced diet.  Eating greens is a great way to remove cancer causing toxins from your body. Vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and brussel sprouts help to clear out excess estrogens. 
  3. Herbal teas - I think we all know the implications of herbal teas and the impact they have on detoxing and cleansing the body
  4. Disconnecting from social media - Its important to control what flows in and out of your mind and into your zone. Breaks from social media are encouraged to break away from a lot of craziness that these social media bubbles create. 

Here are some mindful prompts to help detox your mind ( grab a piece of paper)

- Who/ What brings you joy?
- Who/What drags you down?
Well done you have identified what is toxic in your life and the positive aspects 

-List what you find uplifting and how much time you are providing for it
-Now list what sucks your energy and how much time you are providing for it.
Evaluate where your energy is flowing to and reshape and revaluate where you would like it to go

Detoxing allows us to make space for other things that fulfil you,  it is very important to make time for your mind and your body. Remember to make space in order to recreate. You are your own best friend so take charge of your life and personal well being,

Lots of love
K x

(p.s Thank you everyone for nearly 10k views on the blog)

Tuesday 16 May 2017

Life Hack : Eat the Frog

Check out today's blog post featuring on the amazing Grow Daily website , the link is posted below. Look out for their motivating work and more collaborations to come !

Click to be directed to the post 

Wednesday 10 May 2017

The Last Hurdle

This goes out to anybody who is in their final year of university like myself, anyone who is studying for their last set of exams before summer, anyone who may be facing any particular life hurdle.
This goes out to every single individual running their race

When the end of something draws near it can feel almost as if the time period you are in has been set to slow motion. You begin to loose sight of the end, the finish line starts to get blurry, you may start to second guess yourself or even your surroundings. This is the point where some of us may start to lack energy, giving your 0.0005% instead of exerting your entire being to the matter at hand. Finding that motivation, can be extremely difficult in a time period such as this. As it almost feels as if you have exhausted all your motivational focal points, and at this stage you can't even pin point why you started running in the first place.

I just want to stop you there sis/bro, here are some active tips I want to give you for the final step

1.You need to run your race with victory
Complete your tasks with the end in mind, running with the mindset that you have already won. Portraying an attitude of victory sends out vibrations of victories into the atmosphere.  By placing faith in your actions it will enable God to put in place what already belongs to you in the beginning.  Adjusting our mindset is important and as always is the first step in most situations. It is mind over matter and sometimes you may need to even say a few things to yourself such as;
"I am a conquer "
"I am = strong'
"I can do anything"
"I am more than able"
Speaking words to yourself will subconsciously change your belief and push you to a mindset of victory.

2. Stop focusing on how stressed you are and fixate yourself on the present. 
When you are so full of various problems we leave our selves with no room for anything new to enter our minds, no room for solution. Your life situation may be very stressful and filled with a lot of problems right now, but do you have any problems right now in this moment ?  the answer is no, right now is the present. You have all the power to choose what you feed your attention to. Problems are mind made and need time to survive, they cannot survive in the actual 'now'.  So choose what you fixate on wisely.

3. Getting rid of complacency
Complacency is the one thing in between you and the finish line which can prevent you from being great. If you want to be successful you will make productivity a habit, you will push yourself to achieve those goals because they are attainable. Eradicating complacency will give you the momentum to clear any hurdles in your way and push to victory.

Just remember; "life's hurdles wouldn't be called hurdles if there wasn't any way we could get over them."

K x 

Friday 31 March 2017

I have no talents

I honestly used to have the same conversation in my head a few years ago and I remember expressing to my mum
" I don't feel like I'm good at anything, I can't draw, I don't play an instrument exceptionally well, I just do not have any tangible talents" 

My mum mentioned some things to me that never left me that day, particularly the fact that you shouldn't identify your talents by the people around you or use it as a measure of how talented you actually are. Recently, I found myself having this conversation again with a friend which made me realise that I was not alone all those years ago and people often feel like they are also not good at anything. 

Like me, you may feel as if your talent is intangible and you don't know if its something you can make use of. For example, before starting this blog I knew I had a passion to help others and I knew that people valued my opinion and advice when asked for, so I decided to create a platform where I could share my own journey of growth and ways I felt I could potentially contribute to at least one person's life. Another friend of mine is talented when it comes to looking after her natural hair and has recently started her own website to showcase her passion and talent for hair with the world. Everyone has that talent because its what you enjoy doing the most and you do it well.

On the other hand, we have skills that could be natural talents but also things we can acquire such as playing piano. Sometimes we have things we may be good at, maybe not the best at, but have an interest in. If you want to be talented in that aspect, you need to push yourself and focus on dedicating yourself to that craft, master it & pursue it relentlessly. A lot of the time we see people who we admire that are "talented", forgetting the hard work and determination that is disguised behind that. If you want a great life you need to do something you are great at. Make it your mission to accomplish it because everyday you waste is one less day to pursue what you love, and one day further from making your dreams happen. 

I think the first step is to recognise nothing is too small to be talented in; Think about that ONE thing you do really well, perhaps even better than others. That ONE thing that gives you a warm self-sense of accomplishment whilst you are doing it. That ONE thing that makes you happy after you have finished doing it. Hold on to it; Nurture it until it grows.

I don't know what your hidden talents are but they are lurking deep down within you, after all God created you with them. Find/Discover it and Stir it up. I know it's POWERFUL and it's time for you to either believe that, or believe what other people around you think.

lots of love, 
K  x

Friday 3 March 2017


First of all I just wanted to say you are already half way out of getting out of your "rut", because you have already recognised that you are feeling this way and want to make a change.

'I feel quite overwhelmed and I have no idea'

Secondly, if you agree with the above statement.. its okay , it does NOT make you weird, it does NOT mean you are being dramatic , it just means you are still human and it happens to the best of us, including me. Maybe you could be feeling overwhelmed because of something we call LIFE, that gets in the way sometimes and throws some unexpected things your way, or you could be like me who has had 10000 and billion things to do at a time. In fact the majority of February I was feeling so overwhelmed and very unbalanced, and felt like I was losing control of staying on top of things.

Personally I think the best way to overcome this before it spirals out of control and gets worse, is to take a step back. Take a break from some of the craziness around you, recognise that you come first and you cannot drain yourself and divide your energy everywhere if there is a cost. For me that meant taking a break away from blogging, re organising myself better making sure i was trying to be easy on myself and creating more me time.

Jonathan Fields has a simple framework called " Good life buckets", which I think is very useful in times like this to reflect on which areas of your life may be leaking or, not overflowing as it should be. The three buckets of life could be seen as contributionconnection and vitalityidentify which buckets may be low and work on ways to contribute to that bucket. 

I've just created this video to help explain the buckets further and how you can implement them.

For me when I took a step back I improved on taking care of myself more by improving the state of my mind and body by and improving my connections, spending more time being in tune with my friends and contacting and spending time with them more and trying to spend more time with God.

I hope you can use this evaluating tool to help push you out of feeling overwhelmed.

Kuro x

Tuesday 7 February 2017

GUEST POST: Fear of Failure

“Abigail wants to do well, but fails to turn that desire into a reality.” This is exactly what my Economics teacher wrote and submitted as my reference to the universities I was applying to. I disliked him for putting that into my reference, but the anger I felt was just because I hated the truth he had uncovered in the two years he was my teacher. I used to have this bad habit of not trying as much as I could, because I feared trying hard and failing anyway. Not trying sheltered my ego, it gave me a reason whenever I didn’t do so well. I would still be labelled a ‘smart person’, because though I barely put in any work, slept in all my classes and chatted my life away I still attained the average B. “I didn’t even do any work, imagine what I could achieve if I did,” the most overused line of my life; used to motivate myself to do more next time. Next time never came. 
That mentality led me to changing courses after my 1st year in university, then getting kicked out of university after my second 1st year attempt, appealing and getting back in, which now means I am finishing my 1st year of university on my 3rd attempt.

2 years and I had not made one step of progression. All because I feared to fail; fail in every aspect of my life, not just academically, but spiritually, physically, mentally you naaaaaame it. I felt so safe in my failures that I didn’t try to change anything, I ended up just pitying myself. Comfortable wallowing in self-pity, I was basically scared of feeling anything else. How can I expect myself to become this great woman; a woman that will bring about change, a woman that will raise the value of black lives, a woman that will challenge the thinking of the ignorant, a woman that will operate outside the system, yet strive above everyone that believes it’s the only way to success, when I’m incapable of progressing beyond the imaginary barriers I have built with my own mind?
No weapon turned against you will succeed.” – Isaiah 54:17. Weapons won’t succeed but that doesn’t mean they won’t turn against you. Everybody goes through things but how you handle it and grow above it determines who you are. I let my struggles define me, few series of unfortunate events and I completely believed and lived the life of a good for nothing individual. I ended up playing a game of broken and weak in private versus whole and strong in public. I even started questioning my intelligence and capabilities and whether I even still liked Maths (if you know me personally you know that’s an absolute joketing). From then I started to want to change and be better. Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” – Jeremiah 33:3. I had fallen so low and with no direction of where to go, I had no choice but to call on to God.
In my search for God, one verse had always stuck out to me. “And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore, most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” – 2 Corinthians 12:9. In reading the full chapter I realised that during adversities and moments of weaknesses, believing that God’s grace is enough to pull you through tough times, can inevitably turn your weak moments into gratifying strengthening breakthroughs. I held this verse very close to my heart to allow God’s strength to change me and make me into the person I was yearning to be.

There are few things I actively did to change my mindset and way of life and would like to share some with you.
1.     Tell yourself the truth.
It can be so easy to deceive yourself into believing everything is good and you’re the best you can be, but in reality, there is so much that you could work on. If you’re useless and doing nothing with your life, tell yourself, if you’re fat and unhealthy, tell yourself, if you’re struggling with your mental health, tell yourself. Be honest and check yourself in order to become a better version of you. There’s no wrong in admitting you have a problem and finding ways to fix it.

2.     Seek help.
You can half the tasks at hand by reaching out to those who have the potential to help you. Whether it be getting some counselling, getting a mentor or a personal trainer, seek the help you need to overcome your struggles.
3.     Remove negativity.

So much trash can cloud your judgment and your ability to be better. TV shows, music, unhealthy habits, people and the list can really go on. It’s your responsibility to identify and acknowledge the things that are holding you back from achieving greatness and remove them from your life.

4.     Feed your mind.
“There is nothing as powerful as a changed mind” – TD Jakes. What you feed your mind will affect your life whether you want it to or not. Daily positive affirmations of yourself or positive motivational speeches will mould your mind into believing the things you have fed it. I’m not going to lie I tell myself I’m a smart and confident being every single day, in doing so I hope to do everything with confidence and I believe no task is too hard for me to complete, because I truly believe I am intelligent. Choose to only fill your mind with things that will elevate and edify who you are as a person.

Last but definitely the most important.

5.     “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” – Matthew 6:33-34

I’ve hit many bumps on my road to success; I’ve battled depression, suicidal thoughts and anxiety to the point I was making myself ill. I wish I could be writing this blog entry with one big happy ending but really and truly I’m just starting out my journey. However, I can say that though I fell, many lessons were learnt. I wish I could share all of them and how I came about my discoveries, but you’d be here forever, but I hope the little I’ve shared blesses you reading this.

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” – Confucius
Abigail Hitimana 

Monday 30 January 2017

Success behind your faults


I found myself in so much awe when I stumbled across this video of the young man who played the piano with no hands. I was so moved and honestly found myself getting emotional and it wasn't because he was able to play the piano, but because of how beautiful it sounded due to the passion he had that was infused throughout his movement.

This inspired me so much and as I pondered after watching the video, I realised that what most of us would call a limitation, he used as a strength and pushed past all social norms and what society may have told him in order to conquer his dreams and live them out. Some of our weaknesses are obvious to others and some are hidden. They can be major obstructions that affect our lives, minor inconveniences that can be avoided in day to day life. However they do not need to remain the same forever, which led me to ask myself;

Is there any weakness that is too hard to overcome?

Sometimes I find myself pushing my weaknesses or things that I would class as "faults" further down inside of me, because I feel like there are no solutions. Another reason is due to fear to try and change, fear of failure, FAILURE ( pretty scary, right?) wrong ! 

Failure can be scary but if we let it rule our lives we end up going nowhere. Just like when we try to switch on the engine in our cars and find the biting point we end up stalling before we even start our journey. We must facilitate a mindset where we accept our weakness and remember that hidden in your weaknesses are your strengths. So stop running away from what you think your limitations may be and embrace who you are. Sometimes a perception change will allow us to think differently about our limitations and help us push through or sometimes we can use them in growth and focus on improving and learning more in that area.

Whatever your weakness may be I hope this Monday you are encouraged to think differently about it, and inspired to continue being the best version of yourself. 

Lots of Love 
K x 
( I hope you have enjoyed this months series of motivation Mondays and they will now be Monthly along with other posts) 


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