Monday 28 May 2018

No Mans Land

heyyyyyyy y'allll its your girl and I'm back again this month with another post. I'm trying to aim to post content at least once a month, so pray for consistency for your girl (lol).

The term "No man land" can be defined as the indeterminate or undefined place or state. The word indeterminate can also be used interchangeably with the word unknown, unfixed or unspecified.

We all can feel like we are stuck in a bit of no mans land, just like in the legendary game "stuck in the mud" which you probably played in primary school. Where you would eagerly wait for someone to rescue you from being stuck in the imaginary mud and sometimes life feels a little bit like that also.  It feels like you are stuck, unsure whether you will ever become unstuck, waiting on a perhaps a solution, individual or opportunity to set you free.

I know I'm feeling a little bit like this as I've been thinking a lot about my career and as you guys know I am in full time employment. As I think about life more and more everyday, I've been struggling in my mind to engineer what my next steps would be from a career perspective. At this current moment in time and in the first time in my life I'm not sure what my "next step" looks like  as I've always had a clear picture of what my path may look like. However recently this picture has become more blurred as my interests have started to change and just generally not feeling sure in what I want anymore. This has felt slightly unsettling for me personally and I'm not sure if its because having gone through the education system for years and becoming used to  very systematic approach in terms on having very clear the expectations when moving up every year at school. So having to engineer your future without a blueprint or a next step in mind can feel very difficult and thats where I feel like I am right now in my grad scheme.

I know a lot of you may feel like me right now, or may be going though a situation that is familiar and I would say one thing I have learnt is to take it easy on myself. I've come from a place where I put a lot of pressure on myself not because anyone has told me they expect something from me, but its because of the expectations I've placed on myself. So growing with this mentality I've had to learn to make peace with myself that it is okay to be in the position you are in, you don't have to have life figured all out. Sometimes I forget that I'm only 21 (22 next month x) I've moved to a new city, I've started a new job and there is so much to figure out as I  grow and learn.

 If you are reading this and anything I've said has resonated with you I want you to also remind yourself consistently of your achievements and how far you have come and celebrate your victories. Don't allow what is a small cloud to turn into a fog and mist away your achievements and everything that is going well.
 I read an article that said

"No mans land is the fertile ground where great transformation happens", 

Your situation is not the end, it will become fruitful and blossom beautifully. Let go of fear and the fear of the unknown instead live and just let God move in your life. Stand in the truth that the Lord will establish your steps (Proverbs 19:21)

Remember it won't last forever x


Kuro Joseph. Theme by BD.