Gods plan

You are not forgotten. 

Four months ago I was told that I received an opportunity which would mean that I would need ot move to Edinburgh. For those of you who may not understand what that would mean for me, it was moving approximately 467.6 mi  miles away from home. I had previously moved away from home for university, however this was different. This time I was alone, with not one single soul to depend on to lean on physically and this time I wasn't surrounded by many in the same situation. No this wasn't university, it was just me. Surrounded by strangers in an almost foreign country, with this brand new culture, and amongst my feelings of excitement there were also mixed feelings of anxiety, uneasiness and doubt. 
I was in the midst of starting my career, and had been so lucky to have actually started a job only days after my graduation and all I could think of was 'How could God do this to me?'. How could he take me to this place that I've never even intended on ever visiting, and drop me here without any of my family or friends who I depend so much on, who I find comfort in ?  

I know some of you may actually be surprised to hear this because of what I do here, and how 'positive' I try to be, but I wouldn't be doing anyone justice by not being transparent. However I put on a happy face I got on with it but was extremely upset on the inside at my situation. 
Pride filled my heart and I was confused at how God could make this path my own. I started to do the one thing that used to irritate me which was complaining. This feeling of fear crept into my life, which gave room to anxiety, which overshadowed my joy. I really struggled initially with this move, but what I became to understand is that it wasn't because I was alone but it was because I forgot that I wasn't. 

I spent so much time thinking trying to understand why God would work against MY own plans. He knew I was a planner, He knew about my master saving plan and that paying rent was definitely not apart of it post - uni, however he decided to flip the script and rewrite those pages. You see what I've come to understand and what I did not grasp at the time is that Gods Plan is not the same as our own. 
Proverbs 16:9 says We can make our own plans but the Lord determines our steps

Then what God started to reveal to me after I accepted this is that often we walk in our own ways and fail to recognise when God is doing something in your life. We are often so grateful for our blessings and praise God for the mighty plan in our life , but will we be grateful when our lives start to veer the course we expected it to take and will we recognise that everything is a blessing even if it doesn't look like one ?

I just want to encourage just one person today that He has never left you nor will He forsake you, your life may seem like its been taking a change in course but God is steering that Ship. If you only trust him.

Thank you for reading this, 
Kuro x 

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