Breaking from your mould

Have you ever felt yourself becoming comfortable in your normal? You have become so immersed in your daily and weekly routines that your life has become as simple as work - home - gym - sleep - repeat. Even though daily routines can be beneficial and has proved to  provide stability, relaxation  and studies show that it can also  improve  your mental health. Do you ever feel like you are living like you've just been going through the motions. I feel like many of us have become like zombies , we go from day to day and week to week just going through the motions slowly loosing our zeal and passion to do anything else outside of our current mould. Today I would like to challenge and provoke you into thinking why you may not have stepped out of your mould recently, if you have ever felt like the description above.

Here are a couple of definitions of the word mould:

1. A mould can be defined as a distinctive and typical style, form, or character.
2. Form (an object) out of malleable material

Our brains have a mechanism where it forms and creates patterns and once these are established they run automatically which is why we find it hard to resist the mould and to break out of patterns. I found the second definition interesting as it includes a word called malleable. The use of malleable material has the power to be hammered or pressed into shape specifically without breaking or damaging or cracking. In many ways I believe that this is very similar to us. We are made from the same malleable, resistant, unbreakable material. Yet we limit ourselves to be confined to the circumference of our containers, our moulds that we squeeze ourselves into.

I can definitely relate to this, as there was a period when I also felt stuck. I was becoming extremely exhausted and it felt like my days were running ahead of me and before I knew it the alarm had started ringing and it was a  new dawn again. I was just going with the motions and it I felt like I couldn't see past my immediate responsibilities and loosing sight of goals I wanted to achieve and skills I had planned to cultivate. 

Today is a very short reminder for anyone who may feel like they have slipped comfortably into their everyday cycle and because of this. You may have lost the umph to continue to do the things that may have originally brought you joy or stopped chasing ideas that you wanted to achieve. The time to break away is NOW. Ease yourself back by putting time aside on something that may be meaningful to you, it could be something as simple as reading a book. Do not let your dreams die as you get sucked into the busy cycle of life. You are in fact malleable and even though you may feel hammered, pressed and squeezed you have the strength to shape and reshape yourself continuously.

Philippines 4:8 - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me 
Proverbs 19:21 - The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance. 

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