We need a move

I’ve been in deep thought over the past few weeks as our nation has cried out over the terrible injustices that have taken place throughout the world. It’s been very uncomfortable and painful for many (including myself). Many of us are dealing with the aches and pains, healing from the traumas of the racial injustices that has taken place over the years, this injustice has been highlighted with the current George Floyd case that has been witnessed worldwide.  I would like to take a moment to share my very brief thoughts with you.

Now more than ever I am convinced…. We need a move!

It’s very simple..  we need a move, an intervention from the highest power in the entire universe. We need God to be a part of our world, NOW more than ever before. We need the God kind of love to be apart of our entire human fabric when we interact with others. We need a unified message, in different languages, we need one body with diversity fighting the same FIGHT. 

We need to let love abound,  an outpouring of LOVE with never-ending streams flowing from another. This is the God kind of love, that can only be found in Jesus. Let The inner movement of your heart always be to love one another, and never play the role of an actor wearing a mask” - Romans 12:9 (TPT)  We need to go back to when empathising doesn’t feel like a chore, to loving without expectations  and to listening and responding with compassion. 

The world has lost its love because we have pushed out our Saviour. The bible teaches me that God is love and anyone who loves is a child of God. We need to pursue this God so we can pour out real love, not a phoney, fake or pretend kind of love. No friends.. we need a real & authentic type of love. 

The message today is very simple and I’m sure you might be sick of hearing it by now but it’s a call back to love. So yes get outraged, yes allow yourself to feel but let your feelings propel you into action. Have a LIFETIME commitment to love justice and let your actions be rooted in the foundation of God's love. 

Love is Patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice by rejoices when truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith is always hopeful and endures every circumstance.  - 1 Corinthians 13: 3 - 7 

Love someone today

K x 


  1. Aw this is so good!! Yes, sometimes even as Christians we forget that all our efforts our in vain without God, His presence and touch is the only thing that brings righteousness & justice! Love this Kuro, yay keep it up :D

    1. Thank you so much Selena for commenting! I'm really glad you enjoyed this :)



Kuro Joseph. Theme by BD.