Pressure to Diamonds

 I often go through periods at times where I feel really stretched, I've often uttered the phrase "I feel like I'm dying" a couple of times. I know… slightly dramatic, but during these phases I feel as if I have reached my absolute capacity. My responsibilities have suddenly increased in demand which leads to extreme fatigue and exhaustion kicking in, making things to become increasingly difficult. 

Tasks start to become hard to manage, self doubt starts to creep in and you are now second guessing your ability to perform. Perhaps due to the new found level of exhaustion you have let a few things slip off your To do list. You are trying to manage expectations all at the same time maintaining your relationships with the important people in your life and somehow still not keeping on top of it.

Sound Familiar??


I used to be convinced that I was the only person who often felt like this, until I started to open up about these recent struggles and found out that I was not alone. I'm guessing if you are still reading this, you too can relate to this painful experience and may be walking in one of these seasons currently. Let me be the first to tell you, I understand your struggle, in fact it's not entirely my favourite time when I have to endure times like this but I would definitely do it again and I will tell you why. 


During every difficult season it's an opportunity to grow, it's an opportunity for it to produce something new. Every painful season in my life has produced something in me that I never knew was actually there, it brought out a skill that was maybe dormant, a tenacity that I thought had died down or a fight in me that came totally alive. 


The word for your season today is called ENDURANCE! You are the elastic band that is being stretched and that's why it hurts but soon the elasticity will take a new form.  My brother and I often say to each other when we feel we have reached rock bottom the only way is UP. The pressure you are facing is creating diamonds, so don't give up during the process but decide to breathe through it.


Keep trusting the process you may have a few diamonds or two come your way. 


*NEW* Feeling overwhelmed? I have created a FREE journal prompt resource , click here to download  


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